The Northern Manhattan Arts Alliance is pleased to announce the 2014 Uptown Arts Stroll — an annual festival featuring more than 170 arts and cultural events across Washington Heights and Inwood during the month of June.
For this year’s submissions for the poster contest, artists are asked to incorporate into their proposed art work the following elements:
- Northern Manhattan’s dynamic and diverse arts and culture scene, and the local milieu, including but not restricted to nature and historic spaces.
- Include “Uptown Arts Stroll, June 2014” in the design.
- Artist must be a resident of Washington Heights or Inwood.
- Artist may submit only one (1) image for consideration.
Submission Requirements
- Entry must be emailed no later than Friday 21 February 2014 by 5:00 p.m. EST.
- Entry must be a high-resolution (300 dpi only) JPG or PDF file without the artist’s name.
- Entry must be submitted via e-mail to
- E-mail entry must include:
- Artist’s full name (first and last)
- Artist’s brief bio or artist statement
- Address
- Phone number
- Art work title and media
Finalist and Winner Selection
A panel of distinguished judges, drawn from the local arts community will select five finalists. Consideration will be given to eye-catching original and unpublished images that reflect the elements below and identified above:
- Northern Manhattan’s dynamic and diverse arts and culture scene, and the local milieu, including but not restricted to nature and historic spaces.
- Include “Uptown Arts Stroll, June 2014” in the design.
- Bring a hard copy of the image (it should not include artist’s name), on foam or paperboard 24 inches by 18 inches, to exhibit at the NoMAA Artists’ Salon where the winning image will be selected by community vote.
- Agree for their images to be utilized via social media to promote community vote for the poster at the NoMAA Artists’ Salon.
- The selected image will be used in the poster that will represent and promote the 2014 Uptown Arts Stroll (please include the festival name “Uptown Arts Stroll, June 2014” in your poster design). Your name should not be in the design. NoMAA will work with you to include additional text in the Uptown Arts Stroll poster, such as dates, contact information, sponsors, etc.
- Allow image to be used for publications with the following dimensions:
- Poster: 11 x 17 in.
- Brochure: 6 x 10¾ in.
- Postcard: 5½ x 8½ in.
- Other marketing materials as necessary
- Allow for full color and B&W reproduction
- $500 honorarium
- Exclusive graphic representation of the 2014 Uptown Arts Stroll
Listing expiration: February 21, 2014.