Rebel Writers
Come be part of the revolution! This workshop is for those of you who are sick of following the rules, and people telling you how writing must be done. We’ve had enough! We’re upending everything this semester, and rewriting the rules that limit our creativity.
We aren’t the first to get rowdy – Renee Gladman, Gertrude Stein, and Italo Calvino are just a few of the experimental writers that will inspire us to cross genres, develop writing rituals, and create the rules that work for us.
This workshop is for anyone who has struggled with the writing process or who would like to break out of the traditional writing box. We’ll play games, move around, and get a better understanding of when to turn off (and on) our brains. Together we’ll buck the system and put some joy back into creative writing! ¡Viva la Revolución!
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